Thursday, November 10, 2011

Great First Tolomato Talk!

On Sunday, November 6, 2011, the TCPA had its first Annual Meeting and Tolomato Talk.  There was a nor’easter in progress, but hardy TCPA members and the general public managed to slog through the wind and rain and get to the Bishop Baker Center for the event. 

Members heard about our activities in this first eventful year, beginning with our first public meeting on Oct. 9, 2010 and going all the way up to the installation of water in September, 2011 and even to the most recent Minorcan Mass, held just the day before the meeting. In the photo, Rusty Hall leads off with the Minorcan flag, followed by Carol Lopez Bradshaw and other members of the Menorcan Society, along with Fr. Ed Booth, the celebrant of the mass.

For the Tolomato Talk, which will be an annual event, Fr. Tim Lindenfelser offered a wide-ranging survey of Christian burial practices over the centuries, culminating in their expression in the markers and layout of Tolomato Cemetery. We hope to put the video or a link to it on our website or blog. It was taken on a cell-phone, so we’re not sure of the quality yet – but for starters, here’s a little shot of Fr. Lim Lindenfelser at the podium.

Fr Tim

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